creative lenna

By creativelenna

dancing on Christmas day

Yes, I am a bit behind! I'm just putting up my December 25th entry, today on December 27th . . . oh well. I try not to worry about it - just do the best I can. This is what happens to me when I get busier than usual doing last minute things right before Christmas, and then on Christmas Day itself take about 200 photos?? Yikes! 

My friend Kathy Oravec still holds Nia class on Siesta beach when it falls on a holiday & actually, it is a great way to start the day. We seem to make a lot of people happy! There were many walking the beach and lots of people setting up to celebrate for the day and they were smiling and cheering us on! 

After Nia class the plan included to stay on the beach, have a potluck lunch and gratitude dancing. It was joyous to dance on the sand with beautiful colored scarves and I was feeling very grateful for all my blessings. Lots of people joined us as time went on and we had a wonderful time. I left about 2pm to go back home and celebrate with Steven. Simple and sweet. We took an afternoon boat ride and then we invited Dave & Helen Lucas over to share dinner with us. We had celebrated with my mom on Christmas Eve and my boys who live in Boston, were in Vermont celebrating with their dad. Steve and I hope they will come & visit us in Florida sometime soon! 

Anyway, this photo from dancing on Christmas Day on the beach was one of my favorites. View it full size here. I have so many photos from that day, wow! While I have processed them now, re-sized them, that's all I have done so far. I would like to create a slide show movie with the photos (or some of them) so you could see them flow. I will let you know when I do that and tomorrow I will try to upload photos from the 26th & 27th and catch up :0)  

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