The Millennium Baby

I remember every detail of Nevyn's appearance into the world . I won't embarrass him by describing things, but he was 10lb 2oz, with - according to the midwife - the biggest head she had ever seen.

I think he is feeling a bit unsettled today. His Granny told him that she did not want to see him again a few days ago, because he wants to stay with me - and he has not had as much as a happy birthday from either her, or his dad. I hope that we have given him a good day though - he got a man's watch and the Complete Firefly on DVD that he wanted. We took him to his favourite restaurant for dinner (Oh, to be 12 and have a favourite restaurant!!!) Then he got a giant cupcake as a birthday cake.

Now, he is sitting on my bed, with Jane, Anya, me and Poppy (Tai is too hot and on the floor). watching Black Books, his current favourite TV show.

Happy Birthday mate.

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