Another Day

By BlackTulip


A quick trip to the supermarket, not that we needed much.  I'm sure we could still feed an army.

A beautiful and still morning with quite a heavy frost.  Another walk up to the village and along the ridge before gathering mud on my boots on the trudge down the middle of the field.  Every step I took added to the mud I had already collected to the point where I felt I was lifting lead weights. 

Added to that I could see Rodney the Boxer heading full pelt towards me.  Not that he could possibly have knocked me over backwards but I didn't relish the full-on launch I could see was coming.  So with an almighty squelch I yanked one foot out, slid the other sideways and managed to get my back towards him.  He did give me a very unforgiving look as he raced passed and turned to face me.  Profuse apologies from his owners, but there was nothing they could have done, he had his deaf ears on.

I saw some ice and gave it a polar twist.

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