All shapes and sizes...

we are now up to about a foot of new snow in the yard, the temp is still hovering just at freezing though so once again it was a search to find a single snowflake willing to be photographed.
I had a great day though taking some runs down my driveway and out to the main road on my snowboard. As luck would have it my nice neighbor was out plowing and served as my very own 'lift services' to run me back up to the top so I could do it again!
Another goal that I had was to work on my website and include a weekly blog. I'm envisioning interviews with other photographers and whatever other topics might come up when discussing photography, or perhaps some in depth discussions about certain images...
I accomplished my first post so I am on my way. If interested I am hoping that it can be found here. Thank you so much blipper lrw for taking time to tell me how to insert this when the link was not working for me!!

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