
Here we are having our slightly belated White Christmas at Lake Tahoe and here I am looking out the window at all the girls in the spa pool  at the snow and the BBQ fireplace just outside our room.

The drive from San Fran was non eventful and The Bossess adapted to the wrong side of the road with ease and only argued about the Boss’s GPS directions 7 times.
We are looking forward to exploring Lake Tahoe tomorro with my  hat still on as it was a tad chilly today and The Boss had kindly allowed me to continue to sho off.
Hey BIG THANKS to BLIP for emailing me about the oneohninefive thingie. I had completely forgotten what with international air travel and to much time spent under seats. I need my daylight you kno.

Great mini barks for all the fuss with yesterdays Hi Drama. We just loved the attention and feel terribly guilty but it is hard on holiday altho wifi in the USA is plentiful.

WIIF WIIF WIIF WIIF WIIF ….  Yap i know there is only one needed now but I am in burst mode like The Boss’s Fruitphone


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