Back in the saddle

December Challenge: Mono Monday: Hobby

After completing a 24 hour shift at work, I arrived home to be reminded by My Love about a conversation we had had last night...and my brain had very happily forgotten about.

I had spoken about being fed up with the extra stone I have acquired since I moved here, fed up of procrastinating about getting back into a serious exercise regime, fed up of how annoyed I was getting at myself.

PW reminded me that I had said I was going to jump on the turbo trainer when I arrived home from work. So...I put on a few layers and headed out to the freezing garage and started peddling away. Within 5 minutes the extra layers were on the floor and I was sweating away in my cycling gear. Catatonia - International Velvet for company.

So...this is how it's going to be. Turbo trainer as much as I can, run/walk with the dogs, mountain bike when I can get out on it in the light and the gym as much as I can.

...I WILL be fit again!!

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