Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

My last day in Clacton today and we decided to walk towards the pier for a change.  There was a coffee shop open with chairs outside with our names on which was perfect and the sun even felt warm, honest!  My sister from Perth decided she wanted to come back with me until New Year so I had some company on the long drive home.  Oh and my brother from South Africa arrived just before we left so it was good to see him.  

We stopped off to say hello to ChrisA on the way home  and she was very kind and gave us lunch and a few other goodies.  Misty enjoyed sniffing around her garden probably looking for the cat she scared off a few weeks ago.  Lovely to see you Chris, and thanks :)

It was a long journey home, quite tedious in places with stopping and starting which lost us half an hour and then we hit fog as we got nearer home, but at least we got home safely.   

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