Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A little bit of wintery Lowry

Today was another trip down the A1 to see my mum. Round trip is about 8 hours depending how long I spend with her and the state of the traffic. I went earlier today and did not have my children supping caste quantities of wine in the back so it was a quieter drive today. I have past the blip on each occasion thinking it reminded me a bit of Lowry so today I stopped and took a couple of quick photos.

Mum continues to improve despite another fall and bruised knees. She was more herself today and getting a bit bored which is a good sign. I think there will be a few more visits in the next few weeks and I keep spotting some good blips but nowhere to stop. So frustrating!

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I complete my 365. I haven't decided what to blip tomorrow but feel it's a great milestone for me as it means I have survived another year and will be starting my fourth year since diagnosis in the next month. That's all good news. This Friday I have my check up so I hope that will tell me good news too.

Whatever you are doing tomorrow enjoying seeing out one year and letting in the next. Each new year I now greet with such a smile and start to think of how to spend it. An exciting time of renewal and reflection!

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