Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Sucking up nectar

Weird weather, sunny warm morning, then absolutely bucketing rain, and now it's sunny and warm and humid! We've had no wind, strong gusty wind, gale winds. It's all go today out there.

Bees out sucking up the nectar on these plants, no idea what they are! Not as sharp as it should be, but I liked the tongue showing.

Can't believe tomorrow will be 2015, 2014 has been quite a year, with many ups and downs, wonder what the next year holds.

Can't do much at the moment, have been ignoring a sore back for some time but it's got to the point where I can't ignore it, so it will be a quiet time for a while. Very annoying but have to make the best of it.

All the best to fellow Blippers for 2015.

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