More Life of Sands

By sands


Oh dear - I was hoping to have a good night's sleep last night but it was not to be! I went to bed at 9.30pm last night but woke up at 2.30am WIDE AWAKE and that was it!

Today has been a day of chores & pampering! I have been to the chiropractor for some crunching, had my hair coloured & cut and had my nails done! That was all after I took Mark to the airport for his flight back to London.

I picked up a box from one of the local shops to send my drysuit off to be fixed (one of the wrist seals is splitting) but it seems Twigs has taken up residence in it.....

I am desperately trying to stay awake as late as I can again! Surely this jet lag will go soon :-/

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