Day 1

5years 69days

WHAT A DAY!!! I got Katie out of bed at 430am and packed her into the car. I thought she would go back to bed, but ohhhhh nooooo. She was way too excited. Today we were heading to enjoy one of our main Christmas presents- a trip to London to do the Paddington trails with wonderful blip friends. We took the first train out the city. She was thrilled to see snow as we approached Doncaster, even at 6am in the morning. I got her a babyccino as we waited for our train to London. We both slept most of the way. 

We got the underground to Covent Garden. She *immediately* spotted Darcey Bussell's rainbow bear as we turned the corner into the Square. She spent ages exploring the Lego santa & reindeer, the enormous Christmas tree and the ginormous reindeer & sleigh round the square. When we met up with our friend Sarah we headed into the Royal Opera House. She chose a little badge for her ballet bag (which we were using as our luggage). She explored all of the areas she was allowed to. She loved their Christmas decorations of red pointe shoes. 

We managed to find Emma & her two. We then found our second Paddington, cuddled the lego Santa, watched a scary Mad Hatter and surprised The Pinks as they arrived from the station. We set off on our trail of Paddington hunting, discovering the decorated mini London buses too as we went. We headed round Leicester Square and China town. We diverted into M&M world before going to Piccadilly Circus to feed the small people. We went to Trafalgar Square, pit stopping at Nero for coffee/ccinos all round, then walked the Mall. We were very fortunate to time it that we saw the Changing of the Guard (and narrowly escaped being trampled by the horses as the accompanying guard couldnt differentiate between left and right!) The children were quite fascinated by Churchill's war rooms & excited to spot the palace for the first time. We walked to Westminster and back to Downing Street. It was then back to Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery. 

Our party was now reduced to the Pinks and us. We headed to Regent Street, stopping in Hamleys for their Paddington. We passed Liberty on the way to Oxford Street yet managed to walk past without going in (I still dont quite know how), with another food pit stop at Pret. Yummy snacks in hand, we continued down Oxford Street in the setting sun, before getting on the underground. Final stop of the day, and final Paddington of the day, was St Paul's Cathedral. Even if it hadn't brought a Paddington and a bus, it would have probably been my favourite moment. It was an incredible sight at night. The stunning Christmas tree, the beautiful lights and the dark dusk sky. It was really beautiful. 

We got to Liverpool Street nicely in time for the train to the Pinks. Pizza for the small people before they were put to bed - Katie was asleep in seconds.

14 paddingtons, 4 buses, 10 blippers/offspring and some incredible London sights. A very very excellent day. 

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