On the Seedhead

A rare bird alert for the Dartford Warbler in Pittville Park, Cheltenham of all places. So VERY exciting and not for anyone was I going to miss this amazing opportunity so I hared off with the longest lens I possessed.

Frantically scouring the landscape there appeared to be nothing in sight apart from another couple with binoculars who gave me the heads up that they had seen this tiny bird drop onto the floor amongst all the dead seed-heads. Right.... and I waited and waited and waited; toes about to go numb even with my Christmas thermal socks!! 

Suddenly it bobbed up in the low sun - brilliant. I know I was grinning from ear to ear as the camera shutter worked overtime. What a privilege! What a treat!

Not usually found outside Hampshire and Dorset mainly due to it's loss of heathland habitat, it doesn't migrate for the winter like other warblers. Named after Dartford Heath in Kent where the population became extinct in the early 20th century. They almost died out in the UK and had dropped to 10 pairs in 1962 after the severe winter and is on the Near Threatened list.

More of today with a few stonechats thrown in.

A very Happy New Year to all the Blip team and the blippers who make my life that bit special everyday!

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