Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Los Amantes Mexcal (and Mexcaleria), Oaxaca.

Our 1st night out and about in Oaxaca. Didn't stray too far from the hotel which is only 15 minutes walk from the Zocalo (centre). 

Had a lovely pizza, but very foolishly ate a carpaccio of raw beef. This was to come back and violently haunt me in the early hours of the following morning.

But before that little bout of nastiness we found ourselves in a lovely and tiny little mezcaleria, which is a bar selling only Mezcal and in this case only Los Amantes Mezcal, a famous local distillery. Somewhere in the region of 12 different types to choose from. A single shot being about the equivalent of 4 Scottish or 3 Irish shots. We did well to sample 2! 

The place really reminded me of snug little Irish bars I know back home. Great atmosphere and beautifully attired. Horrendous light for taking photos though, so nothing more expansive than this. Well, you can see what it looked like here.

Now just sifting through and working on the usual post-holiday glut of photos accumulated on the trip. 

Feliz Año Nuevo a todos.    

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