2014 / 2015

well, it's been an incredible year. 2014, among other great events, was the year that my second nephew arrived into the world!

last year, after feeling like my life in england wasn't very exciting, i made a resolution to be more adventurous and spontaneous. this led to me booking some flights to south carolina for the absolutely incredible wedding of david and kristin, which was definitely one of the best weekends of the year. jonah arrived just the month before his grandad turned the big 60. 

the summer brought with it some more spontaneity with a last minute trip to pisa with katie which included a day trip back to my favourite florence. 

obviously, one of the biggest events of the year was the arrival of one sakalasafari who has brought much fun and laughter as well as accompanying me to greenbelt, which has been a lifetime ambition for me.

another absolute highlight of the year has been a rediscovery of the best game in the entire world. i've found a great squash partner and absolutely love playing every week. 

i only got around to reading 35 books out of the 50 that i had challenged myself to, but they have been 35 great books.

work has been great, although i do moan about it sometimes (who doesn't). we have come through a financial crisis, kept our jobs and gone from a team of 2 to an international team of 6! we've run some great projects and surprised ourselves by pushing past our comfortable places. 

and of course, i couldn't let a review of 2014 go by without mentioning the second little monkey in my life. he continues to make me laugh and i can't wait to see how his third year turns out.

here's to 2015!

(and as a last minute bonus to 2014, one of my favourite people, has joined blip! say hello to her at chickensparrow)

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