twinned with trumpton


I know, I know, I did this before. But the scaffolding has changed, the interior has changed, I did it with the new camera this time.


....drum roll....

I'm feeling a shadow of my usual self today after last night's excesses.....


Quietly productive day. After getting to bed around 4 (I only know this from phone activity, not from any realisation of what I was doing...), I was up around 10; mostly organising myself for the boys arrival this evening.

Laundry, washing up, tidying.

And in spite of it looking awful outside, it was OK; warm, little rain of note, slightly gusty but really? But deserted in the 'hood. So I pottered about for a good hour in the fading light - most blip thoughts I had were locked up or too dark by the time I got to them, so I went with one from last night's wanderings.

Boys were, fed, watched Esio Trot which we all loved; and read more Awful Auntie with Tom before I finally collapsing on the sofa with a stray tin of beer.

I'll be asleep earlier tonight....


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