Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Chillin' in the crash room.

A very lazy day today. 

Mrs W's back is getting better but not good enough for too much energetic activity, so last night we watched the fireworks on TV then called it a day.

So a New Year starts. I've found many of the sentiments posted on Facebook quite uplifting.   One struck a chord God has blessed us all with another year, to use or lose. Let's forgive those who have done us wrong or repair damaged relationships with friends, work colleagues and family.

Past experience doesn't equal the future, so if you had a poor year, set goals to achieve whatever is important to you in your life. Thank you Joseph. 

So this year it's going to be 1) Better fitness 2) Better agility 3) New skills Tango, Balboa 4) Travel - Turkey, Vietnam 5) Let bygones be bygones and take people as I find them and they can take me as they find me. 

Happy New Year everyone.

Oh yes - and this is another Flashead inspired light painting.

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