Sand Harbor Re-Visited

Today I almost had altitude sickness as we rode the gondola up the Heavenly ski area at South Tahoe.
What a place.
And the amazing thing was that all of the skiers from New  Zealand were there too. Well it certainly felt that way and I can understand why Kiwi’s travel overseas to ski, as this place was anything I have ever seen in NZ on an overdose of steroids.
There was a 40 minute wait for the Gondola Tickets and The Bossess devised a devious plan if we ever visit again (unlikely) that she is happy to share. Take two people and put one in the Gondola ticket Que. (line) and the other in the Starbucks line so hot Latte can be sipped as you are whisked into the sky (9200 ft). Unfortunately she thought of this as we were leaving to drive bark. 
On the way bark however the sun was sinking and with exceptional timing we arrived at Sand Harbour to study the gates that made it very clear that they were closing in 20 minutes ready or not, so The Boss departed with pak and me and tripod and confounded all the other photographers who were there waiting at nice sensible locations by doing some extremely hazardous stuff using his tripod as a stick and set up his tripod jammed between three rocks and never took his hands off anything as the water was below waiting for adventurous photographers.
But Hey, it kinda worked I think and no stuffed dogs were injured at the time.

Just a Paw Note to thank you all for the great comments and wishes left. They are appreciated.
I am off now to have a nervous breakdown. I earned it.

Tomorrow we are off to Yosemite. 

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