Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward

More snow

Snow? So it's a mutual partnership . . . what a surprise this morning when Firefox refused to open Blip . . .  sorry Polaroidblipfoto. My first knee-jerk reaction was, "All that white again! I'm off!"  but that would betray the community that is us . . . 

Have you read the general discussions going on at the zendesk? Watched Joe Tree's video?

And for those of you who used Stylish 2.0 to get the grey back you have to edit line 1 of the code to reflect the new URL thus:
@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") This can be done by clicking on the Stylish icon in the toolbar of your browser select manage styles . . . and choose edit. Aargh, the HTML code flashes momentarily but I can't edit out the live links - ignore them.

So now I'll have to heed my own counsel : patience.

Did a quick search only one news item so far about the partnership.  Pay special attention to the last paragraph.
And we've heard from Joe Tree; here's what Polaroid says.

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