
By winchwench

Monsal Head

It'll be an easy walk they said - along the old railway track, they said. And then they changed their minds! It'll be lovely on the other route they said. It might be in the summer, but it was slippery underfoot and the easy trail was flooded, so we had to go higher - much higher, and I'm no mountain goat! We made it to the pub at the halfway point - the rest is easier they said. It was, for a while, quite pleasant, until we hit another flooded area. There's an alternative up here they said. A signpost pointed towards the alternative route - straight at a cliff face! I'm no mountaineer and I don't do heights! It gets easier after the first few yards they said - it didn't! The path was narrow, steep and very, very slippery with a steep drop to the side. My legs were like jelly, I got stitch in my side and it was starting to get dark. We made it to the car, eventually. We are so sorry they said - it isn't usually so challenging they said. You may never want to come out with us again they said - for once, they may be right!!! My hopes for 2015 are that I won't have occasion to need any more adrenalin as I've used up a whole year's supply already;  IF I EVER agree to go walking again, that I take an active part in route planning BEFORE we start; that I have a big win on the Lottery so that I can afford better friends (only joking!)!!!!!
Here's to a great 2015 - Happy New Year to all my fellow Blippers

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