Love London!

.... especially in the sunshine!

Enjoyed a wander up in town today, the sky was blue, sun was shining and felt like the whole world was here today.

Started off at Angel (as in Islington on a monopoly board), then to London Bridge, blipped The Shard and wandered through Borough Market.

The South Bank area was very busy but we lunched Al fresco on wonderful Polish smoked sausage hot dogs in the Christmas market there. Didn't take long to polish them off :)

Past the Houses of Parliament and up to Victoria.

Had hoped to do the Paddington Trail (saw the film yesterday, very funny) but missed it by three days so I sneaked a blip of aforementioned bear in a well-known newsagent at Victoria station.

There were loads of multi-coloured little buses dotted around the city. I blipped a few but this one came out best. I've no idea what they're about but are cheery and bright :)

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