There's a million ways to make things work out

This was a day of two halves.  The morning was spent largely in bed, reading a book and getting teary for the heroine.  I caught up (mostly) with blip - the first time in a really long time.  Please forgive my tardiness.  Yesterday's rain carried on well into today.  Every sunny spell was cruelly ended by yet more rain.  I was feeling a bit low.  I hadn't taken a single photo and this was my first shot of the day - taken from the kitchen window when I finally decided to get moving.  

There really is nothing quite like fresh air and a good walk to make me feel better and gain a little perspective.  I was also fortunate to have a very good conversation with a dear friend.  Where would we be without confidantes?  Isn't that a little what blip is like for many of us - a place to seek communion with like-minded people?

This evening I feel much more like my old self.  I've had the soundtrack for Stop Making Sense going around in my head since we drove home.  For those of you not familiar with the road out of Grimsby, there's a wide flat expanse of land that does its best to look like the prairies.  The motorway is usually fairly empty and it's the perfect zone for playing music really loudly. Dr T is in charge of road music and he chose the Talking Heads live concert  CD  - and it is a perfect road trip album.  

I could have chosen any track but since this is the second day, here's What A Day That Was.  I would dearly love to see this film again on a big screen - who's with me?

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