Ecstatic Swan.

Today I was treated to the most amazing and enchanting scenario on the Leg of Mutton Pond, Bushy Park. As I cycled closer I noticed the pair of swans side by side, and dipping their heads in and out of the water in unison. I realised they were about to mate. Unfortunately they were a long way off in the middle of the pond so my photos are not great. After the deed was done there followed about thirty minutes or so of all manner of amazing acrobatic manoeuvres, and ablutions - they came much closer to me for this. The swans were so obviously deliriously happy. It was, as I say, enchanting - I felt really privileged to have been there.
I found this youtube clip of this ritual.
I took so many photos - if you would like to look at them they are here.
NB The reason the colour in the photos changes is because this went on for so long, and the sun came up while I was watching! 

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