
A dry grey nondescript day. We worked in the garden and I was enjoying it until at lunchtime I read the email from blip and watched the little video, several times. 
Since then I've been feeling very sad. 
I've read hundreds of comments and opinions, arguments for one side or the other and some of them make sense and some I can't agree with, but at the end of the day all I've got is that it just doesn't feel right and I don't feel comfortable in blipworld any more.  
I mind that, less than a month ago I was reminded by blipcentral several times by email to renew my membership and no mention was made of all the forthcoming changes. If I had known about the polaroid merger I wouldn't have renewed. I feel cheated. 
I dont know if I'm going to carry on or not. I was just starting to feel better about the re-design and they did seem to be trying to sort out all the very many frustrating little glitches and it was starting to flow a bit again. 
But now it just seems like a sell-out. 

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