Grandad tickling me

Grandparents bestow upon their grandchildren
The strength and wisdom that time
And experience have given them.

Grandchildren bless their Grandparents
With a youthful vitality and innocence
That help them stay young at heart forever.

Together they create a chain of love
Linking the past with the future.
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part...


2years 209days

Katie has a really special bond with my parents. A very special bond. When talking about her family, Katie says "I've got my mummy". She then pauses and very proudly says "and I've got my grandad and my granny". She just sees them as part of our life and her face instantly lights up when they arrive to us, when she knows she is seeing them, or when we get to their house.

Its come from a lot of time, patience and love from them. Respect for Katie as the individual she is, from the day she was born. Comforting her in those early days as she struggled to deal with life. Being there sharing as she grew in confidence, smiles. And patience with the toddler who changes her mind every five seconds, or when she's tired and doesnt know what she wants, And when she simply needs a good tickle.

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