Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

My Goodbye Blip

Dear Blip Friends,

I am absolutely disgusted to learn that Blipfoto has been taken over by Polaroid.  I watched the video on the subject that Blip's slavish boss made, but to answer such cheap drivel would be a poor use of my time.  It's over.

I will miss the Blipfoto that has just today ceased to exist. I will miss the wonderful sunrises of Waipushrink, and the midnight meals of a vixen named Bingo and her human companion, Sue.  I will miss the soft rural explorations of Nanou, and the wisdom and love that pours from Kendall when she sees her baby granddaughter's shining face.  There have been many more of you, and you know who you are.  I am so sorry that this living gem has been suffocated to death.

Most of all I will miss the experience of reading the blips of my dear friend Ceridwen, and the way they cause my mind to spin off to new and fascinating places.  She and I communicate daily anyway, but Blipping has been a cherished, core platform for our shared thoughts.

Here is how you can find me, should you wish to do so.

My Facebook page
My historical site, "Dead Anarchists"
My older site, called Guinea Pig Zero

I wish all my blipper-friends a healthy and successful 2015, and long, healthy lives.

Yours Truly, 

Bob Helms
a/k/a Guinea Pig Zero
--and my feline keepers Max, Carlo, and Laura Earle.

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