Why Be Serious?

By BlackmailGnome

Could never dock in the first...

The one game that stood the test of both time and my childhood was this lesser known game on the BBC Micro called Elite. First released in 1984, this game enthralled me like no other of the time, and in some ways has been the benchmark for all games since.

Little known fact (or an embarrassing fact that I have tried to keep hidden for decades) is that I could never dock at the space stations. So when the time came to dock, especially after that bugged pirate that gave you hundred's of thousands of credits when destroyed, I said these magic words - "Chris, could you dock for me... please?" Yep, had to rely on my brother...

Embarrassing isn't it?

Of course once I could afford the docking computer, I had no need for Chris... well except when I had problems destroying a ship, or mining an asteroid, or - well the list is quite large.

So it was with great trepidation that I approached the space station for the first time (I know the game includes training missions but really, they're training missions... like having stablisers on your bike, or someone holding your hand while you attempt not to fall on you bum while ice skating - where's the fun in that?). Slowed down, requested docking clearance, lined everything up and slowly moved forward...

You know what? It ended up being one of the biggest anti climaxes known to man... (please, keep your minds well out of the gutter - after all kids could read this)

30 years worth of gaming experience... and I still crashed into the bloody space station!


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