Life is life.

By Tere


We smile not only because we're pleased but to mask the gloomy face. We're doing that because it easy to wear a smile than telling why we're sad. Only few people could sense what's behind of that smile.

Life is crazy sometimes. We hardly understand unexpected events in our lives, keep on questioning how it happened, and so forth. It is like you're walking in a straight line until you noticed you're suddenly tip toeing in a zigzag line, wrong turn or move end up getting hurt. Sometimes life is like this.. You're aware in a certain situation that you supposed not to stay but still you stay on it. You know the 'ending' but why you continue playing. Whoa! I think it might good not to pressure ourselves to understand the craziness of life instead we should learn to play along with it.

We have so much reasons to smile, we are blessed in different ways. God is good!

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