She's quick...

...but even quicker when butt naked.

7:30 pick up and didn't have to drop her back.
Bobbs is her official first word but I swore she said Amber this morning. (another one of their dogs)

She ate my burrito, black beans & avocado being the best bits. Wouldn't eat her casserole, she chose to wear that instead!
Saw her Great Gran in town, made an old lady very happy. Such an up beat positive person.

Went bra shopping, G got bored and made a dash for the door and didn't stop till she hit the glass barrier of the second floor balcony. Her legs have matured quicker than her fear factor... No harm done this time.

Lesson of the day: Nothing beats a pampers nappy. I knew this in the 90's, today proved they are still the best... Supermarket nappies 0 v burrito lunch 1

Chase round the room, peed on the floor, bath, bottle and an anxious settling at bedtime. Think it's her age but she's getting upset when people leave.

Mum & Dad enjoyed a night out before picking her up.

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