B mused

By becah


.....a mere shadow of its former self.

And not an attractive shadow right now either.

I understand Joe has to take his idea and grow it and that will be of benefit to him and his and I have no issue with that. I also like to embrace change. What I don't understand is why the original and beautiful look of the place had to change. I also think that the 'lifetime membership purchasers' were a little hoodwinked. I was going to buy one, but had held back from it and now I'm glad I saved my money. Thank you for the free years membership, but I think I'm only going to hang around until my original date in July and re-assess then as it's just not floating my boat at all right now. I have paid for a full membership (which I was informed was to help keep blipfoto the way it was) only to find out that I've lost the site that I wanted to be a part of, my app, my blipfolio, the chat sites and general ease of use. All I seemed to have gained is upload speed.


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