Guru College, Mathura, Krishna's Birthplace

I didn't know there was such a thing! Oh well, I guess even with such things as meditation and yoga teachers and instructors need to be trained.  There goes my do-it-yourself theory when it comes to religion.

This was shot on the highway from Agra to Delhi.  From Bharatpur, we first drove on the provincial and village roads by way of a short cut and I guess to save on some toll.  After about an hour, though, it could no longer be helped.  Actually, we didn't park somewhere, get out of the car and sightsee.  Instead, our driver simply stopped a bit, left the engine running, and gave us about 1.5 minutes to point and shoot.  We both did ... and this is one of hubby's.  We both chose it because of the 'drama' -- this grand establishment contrasted by the unpaved muddy side road in the foreground and the fact that the only person in the picture doesn't seem the least bit interested in what the institution teaches.

We're now at our lodgings in Delhi after having had a late but heavy and very yummy lunch.  Our driver considered driving us to explore the Purana Qila today, Delhi's ancient fort and not to be confused with the more recently built (1638) Red Fort, but the drizzle convinced him that bringing us back to the hotel (we'd already checked in) was the better option.

THANK YOU so much for all your support and stars (and hearts, where applicable) this past two weeks!

And let me also take this opportunity to air my private misgivings a.k.a. doubts about the Polaroid link-up.  I trust everything will work out well but I can't help but wonder if there's more behind the whole set-up than we're allowed to see/know.  That said, I've always had my reason for blogging here and that will not change, Polaroid or not, so as long as nothing gets in the way of that motivation, I guess I don't have much reason to comment.  Nevertheless ... a let's-see situation ... for now.

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