All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ring a ring of Roses

Mummy & Ethan day today. Was a real mix of good boy Ethan and grumpy Ethan. I thought I was going to have to walk out of his swimming class with him in the first 5 minutes as he was being so tetchy but he eventually calmed down and was great! He even jumped in the pool 3 times without holding my hands which is a first and I couldn't get him off the slide at the end!

We then walked over to The Centre for a wee bit of shopping. I happened to pick up some holiday brochures for 2013 whilst over there, lol!

He fell asleep in the car on the way back so didn't realise Foreveryoung and Eden had arrived while we were out. I then had to go and pick up Granny from the bus station and Ethan woke just as I started the engine. I gave him the choice of going in the house to play with Aunty Foreveryoung or coming with me to pick up Granny - he chose Granny!

Granny was playing Ring a Roses with Ethan & Eden earlier which the kids thought was great fun.

They also both enjoyed their dinner tonight - home made spag bol - nice to see Ethan eating so much again and seeing what a mess Eden can get in with this particular dish!

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