Hon in Edinburgh

By honined

Spooky Ruins

Is it just me or is the Advanced Photo loader really unreliable? I've been forced to use the Basic Loader so have lost the EXIF data on quite a few of my recent pictures here.

A visit to Holyrood Palace this afternoon to make the most of our come-back-for-free-for-a-year ticket deal.  Also our last chance to see how the "other half" decorate their houses at Christmas.  Namely, with trees.  Lots of trees.  The dining room had the distinctly odd sight of a row of small-ish Christmas trees lined up along the middle of the table, so I'm guessing the diners will have to peer through the foilage to engage with the person sitting opposite.  But no photography allowed there (boo, hiss!) so I can't back this up with an actual picture.  Instead, this is me playing with an off-camera flash at the adjoining chapel to give it a spooky appearance.

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