Birds of a Feather.

J dropped me off at the gym this morning, and it was really busy. It always is in January, with everyone trying to lose the weight they put on over Christmas. By February ,it will be quieter, as they will have got bored. When i came out i walked into town to buy a few bits and pieces. I then walked back to the recreation centre ,and phoned J to meet me. At this time, i didn't have a blip, so we drove to Parc Slip.  The bird table was busy, so i took a few photos and then we came home.  While i was at the gym, J had gone to Wickes to buy some wood, and had started to put together another layout. I said he was sneaky, as he hadn't mentioned it to me before. I  did mention  to you all, that i thought another layout was on the cards. It's his birthday tomorrow ,so what could i say? Here we go again! Happy days.

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