
By rachelhpreston

Zipaquira and Tejo

This morning Alvaro took us to Zipaquira salt cathedral. Built in the old salt mines in the mountains outside of Bogotá, this 'cathedral' is more of a sculpture exhibition, although it does have services every Sunday. It was really beautiful, and the main chamber was breathtaking. This photo was a 'quick - look holy!' moment in one of the smaller chapels.
In the evening we went to play tejo with Abi - a Colombian game usually played by old men! You have a metal disc a bit like a hockey puck (the tejo), and stand at the opposite end of the pitch to a board filled with clay. In the clay is a metal ring, with triangle packages of gunpowder attached on the surface. You score points by getting your tejo to stick in the clay as close to the centre as you can. If you hit the gunpowder and it explodes, you get more points! SO much fun!!
As our last day in this beautiful country together, it was nice to finally do 2 things we had been trying to do since we arrived. We had planned to go to Zipaquira when we were in Bogotá at the start of our time in Colombia, but I had tonsilitis and Mary had a nasty fall, so we didn't make it out that day. And in true Colombian fashion, every time we'd tried to organise tejo, something else had come up so we'd never made it. Worth the wait though!

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