
As you get older, going out for a stroll in the country with a small group of male friends can begin to look unnervingly like a parallel universe version of 'Last of the Summer Wine'. And so it was today when Bob, Rich, John and I parked up by the Barbon Inn and headed out west for a walk to Barbon Beck, where we crossed over the small river and came back along the other side. 

With this very pleasant three and a half miles under our belts, we entered the Inn and had an agreeable lunch and beers. Now, you might think that the fact we all then retired for an afternoon nap is further indication of our entry into the ranks of senior gentlemen but I've known Bob for very nearly thirty years and we have both always been fans of a kip when the chance presents itself.

At four-thirty, we met up again in The Royal Hotel, where the boys were staying, and had our first beer of the evening session, when I intended, once again, to take a run at the Kirkby Lonsdale 8. From here, we walked to the furthest pub, The Orange Tree, before making our way back into the heart of Kirkby Lonsdale via the oddly-tabled Kings Arms and The Sun Inn.

At this point, we began to feel a bit peckish, so we had a very nice (and large) platter in the rather stark Plato's before moving on to the recently refurbished Red Dragon. We were on the home straight now, enjoying a drink in my favourite bar, Avanti, before moving on to the legendary Snooty Fox for a celebratory final drink. I asked the barmaid if they had any Prosecco and she said no but the manager appeared and said that they did, and he'd bring it over if we took a seat. There was then a small delay, for which an (unnecessary) apology was made in the form of four shots of sambucca. Shortly after this, our Prosecco arrived.

Now, it must be said, there was a little bit of giggling as the bottle was Spar branded Prosecco. This was not due to any Prosecco-related snobbery but rather because it was evident that the landlord had just nipped out to buy it. But, actually - and as we all agreed - this was a great bit of customer service and I am now resolved to give the Snoots another try.

After our Prosecco, though, it was back to the Royal where we celebrated our success with pizzas (and a little more wine). Hurrah!

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