Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Rack Migration

Just over 3 years ago we moved into our current office, and installed a new rack as our old one wasn’t deep enough for some of our servers.
A year ago we replaced the servers and wouldn’t you know it, the “new” rack  wasn’t deep enough for the new servers, so rack number 3 was purchased! For the last year then we’ve had two racks and a veritable spaghetti of cables, switches and severs scattered over the two of them.
In the photo here is Mike, he’s worked for us for 12 years, right from school, and is one of the most capable developers you will ever find. But sadly, he officially finished last Wednesday, it’s time for a change for him, as we’re the only company he’s ever worked for. It’s incredibly sad to see him go, talented, committed, and just a great guy. I’ll miss him personally and professionally.
The last hurrah however was to help me migrate the gear into the new rack, on a Sunday. We tried to document the old setup, then ripped all the cables out, then the hardware, then reinstated the hardware, and tried to match the cables.
6 hours later we were done, and amazingly, it fired back up and worked. Whew!
Fantastic job to have done, and perfect for a long holiday weekend.
Sadly however it was goodbye to Mike. Bye Mike. We’ll miss you!

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