Rugged Californians

Marie had her Sigmoidoscopy and Biopsies taken this afternoon. The Scans indicate Cancer and The Surgeon is positive Marie has Cancer, but the initial Biopsy did not,so the Oncologist is reluctant to start Radiation treatment next week until the Biopsies taken today indicate Cancer. If not then Marie will have to have the treatment in reverse, Surgery to remove the tumor and then Radiation which inturn has some horrible side effects. Will find out soon I guess as to what is happening now. One day at a time and one step at a time are encouraging words from Hpx : ). Tonight I ran a coaching session and the kids did well, I went over to Patiti Point 100m away and found this couple taking some photos, I chatted with them, Craig and Lee. Lee had picked up a heap of Plastic bottles and other plastic off the beach and Craig was getting an image of Lee with her new plastic accessories. Back in the States Craig and Lee are I think a bit like environmental warriors looking after and protecting wild birds. I asked which way they were heading, which is South so told them where to get the best views of the Yellow eyed Penguins and Seals. They are going to Stewart Island to see Kiwis, I told them they would probably have a better chance by going to a nature reserve and seeing them in Captivity.

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