Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Wee Hee Hee!

Corra retrieving her ball from the cold Atlantic <3

Had a lovely day at the beach with Corra and my sister. Loki stayed at home with poor, sickly Mr. Badger (who was clever enough to take himself to see his doctor). It was an absolutely gorgeous day - lovely and sunny, but not too warm, nice breeze, a couple of cute little clouds - just what you want with a beach day :) Corra ran around like a maniac, rolled in dead things, stalked seagulls, and romped with doggas. We had a nice lunch (though my sandwich ended up with more sand than the name implies ...) and a good sprawl in the sun. And as the saying goes "A bad day at the beach is better than any day at work." held true :D

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