Garden in the Round

Is it my imagination or has this site gone back to being slow to upload and prone to doing its own thing (like deleting your Comment before you've finished it)?

Mild, dry day today, so it seemed like a good opportunity to get out in the garden to do some tidying up.  Several hours and an aching back later, we have a much neater "orchard", which lets in more sunlight and should help the fruit grow this year. 

While my husband was doing the heavy cutting, I flitted around with my camera and my secateurs, snipping here and blipping there:-)  I liked this "selfie with trees" in the ceramic ball.

The answer to yesterday's question was, as so many of you guessed correctly - a Galia Melon!  I'll have to do better than this to fool you clever Blippers:-)  I might try again next Monday - it will be a Monday Mystery!  Join me if you like and try to keep us guessing.

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