Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

One of Those Occasions

Never forget the little moments. Keep a simple record of your life, with just one photo a day…
I sometimes let the photo in my Blipfoto journal entry speak for itself. At other times, it is the words which dominate. A photo journal can be flexible and adaptable in this way, which is a blessing. For example, a photo of the family at the beach, or friends at a barbecue with a few supporting words will probably be enough to describe the day. But very often, the subject isn’t photo-worthy, or in my case, photography is simply restricted to hours outside of the working day. It is a particular challenge at this time of the year, where each end of the working day is enveloped in a lengthy driving commute and further wrapped in darkness.
My only outings today involved two short school runs. They’re speedy as the girls scoot to and from the school, it is just getting them to the front door that is often the tricky part. On my return to collect them this afternoon, I overheard another Dad, trying to instil some sense of urgency in his daughter as he persuaded her past the KS1 classrooms on the way to KS2:
“Come on, we have to be there by 3:21 otherwise he’ll be locked in a cupboard and we’ll have to collect him tomorrow”.
I laughed out loud at this, he didn’t respond, but a good number of other mothers did, by giving me quizzical looks. Ahem.
Today, I am confined to the home office. I'm confined willingly, here under the beams of the roof, tucked away from the distractions of the rest of the family. I have a 24" widescreen monitor that is brilliant for spreadsheets (I spend half my working life peering at these) and also project planning network diagrams, which I'm working on today. Both soon become quite extensive, involving lots of scrolling of screens without the benefit of such a large display. I did consider blipping my prized monitor, complete with said network diagram but I know that is far too dull a subject and decidedly in emergency Blipland. There will be plenty of opportunity to pay the destination of last resort a visit over the coming weeks and months I’m sure, without programming the satnav to the fastest route option and heading straight there today!
But enough, back to the photo. The weather has been grey and wet for much of the day, brightening just in time for the sun to disappear over the horizon. I saw a riot of yellows and oranges on the horizon, topped with the brightest of silver linings. I pointed the camera in the right direction, but unfortunately, it wasn’t looking as hard as me and saw something much more disappointing. I edited, reverted, cropped and tweaked but this is the best it could provide. I originally included much more of the sky above, but that made the picture portrait and I can't abide those grey bars either side of the picture. 
I hope you like it. 

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