Journey Through Time

By Sue

JC Penney

I made a run to Clackamah Town Center Mall, about 16 miles south of where we live in Vancouver to pick up a pair of shoes at REI.  Gotta tell ya, I'm in love with Merrills "Moab" shoes.  Takes lovely care of my poor old feet.  Anyhoo, I snagged the perfect, and I mean Perfect, parking spot, right by REI.  And there was JC Penney, where I spent 5 years of my life working in the Drapery Department.  There are a lot of stories that came out of that experience, believe me.  Working with the public will do that.  There are some days working there that I would not ever want to repeat.  Ever.  But, mostly good memories and I worked with a good group of people.  Mostly.  

It was a busy day, in fact so busy, that this is a back blip.  I got my shoes, went to the library and found some wonderful information for my niece on her family tree, went to a consignment store where I had taken some things of my aunts, and found out they sold and collected $34 for her, and then talked to the fella in the frame shop about framing a photo that I have.  All in all, a good day.  

Take care kids.

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