South Bank

Today I strayed over to the south bank of the Dee. Was it windy, well very windy hardly describes it. I had to keep an eye on the shutter speed as I was being blown around so much. Several other people around, a few with a camera. Like me they may have thought the sea would be a bit stormy. While it was a bit choppy the waves were not coming from a direction to enable me to get a shot of spectacular waves against the breakwaters.

This shot is a panorama made up of three photographs. I took the same picture in a single shot with a wider angle lens. I slightly preferred this. From the left it shows the old customs house, the former Marine Operations Centre, the Silver Darling Restaurant, and the new Marine Operations Centre. The small obelisk is known as Scarty's Monument, but is actually a ventilator for the old sewage system.

When I arrived at a point overlooking the harbour entrance I was asked if I had come to look at the dolphins. Apparently they were around at the harbour entrance today, I did not see them however.

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