Not a good start

It was always going to happen, we overslept this morning. Not enough for proper lateness but enough for a bit of a flurry and a car journey to get Daisy to her friend's house in time for a ten minute gossip before they all amble to school.

And then David bloody Cameron decided his government need £400 off me by the 31st January in apparent owed tax. I wish I understood their questions in the first place, I am girding myself to call him ( or one of his minions) on Friday to ask if perhaps I might have filled the form in incorrectly and in fact they owe me a bit of money instead.

And then I went to buy Stewart Lee tickets, I have been meaning to do this since before Christmas. Obvs they are all sold out now.

So that was three rubbish things by 10am. Could be worse though, Joe has finished his Christmas Sheba and is back on the supermarket tins. He'll get used to it in a couple of days.

Then I went to my bendy stretchy balance class for lumps of lard. Although I think I am the primary lump, I couldn't really tell because I was in the middle of the front row. Right in front of the instructor. If I didn't have the approach of not giving a shit what people think, I might have cringed a bit.

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