
"Red sky in the morning, Shepherds/Sailors warning" means a red sky appears due to the high pressure weather system having already moved east meaning the good weather has passed, most likely making way for a wet and windy low pressure system ….
And this old weather saying proved correct.  A promising start to the day, I rose early and went to work despite my condition!! Our Wednesday Street Market was depleted by many stalls owing to the time of year – I think a lot of the stall holders hightail it off to seek some sunshine in warmer climes (excellent choice) – by lunchtime the wind had got up and at home time I battled through a short-lived storm of gale force winds and sleet showers.  Storm winds have abated now but it’s still raining.

Mr T is in the multi-purpose room down the hall endeavouring to build a new model aeroplane which I bought for him as a Christmas Present.  It’s in the shape of an Eagle and looks like one as well; the instructions say to be wary of predators such as Buzzards and other large birds who will attempt to attack/kill it??!!  At the moment Mr T is fine tuning the radio controls and the continual beeping and tapping noises emanating from the multi-purpose room sound like someone trying to break the Enigma Code!  I’m therefore retreating to the kitchen.

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