
My people were kinda shocked when I wrote out the cheque. And, to tell you the truth, I was a little surprised myself. Once they had worked out that I wasn't going to change my mind, they started in on the damage limitation... "Well, at least let's get the press along, a few cameras, run a puff piece, maybe... I know a guy on CBS..." But I was having none of it. It seemed to me that if I was going to do this, I had to do it, you know, pure...

But that just brought them back to why was I doing it in the first place? "'Cos, no offence boss, but you're a shit-heel. You didn't get all this by being the nice guy. In fact, quite the opposite..." They were right, of course. These guys knew where the skeletons were buried. They had helped with the burying. And, in a couple of cases, they had done the thing that caused the skeleton. If you catch what I am saying...

So I tried to explain that it was like when you were a kid and you watched the Westerns and there was like a code, you know? And the good guy always followed the code - did the right thing? And, yeah, that wasn't me. That wasn't nearly me... But, well, even bad guys root for the good guy when they are watching a movie.

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