Free Haircuts

I came across David here chatting to someone on the Square today. It's been a while now since I previously came across him, back in February of last year. I returned a little later to find him saying a goodbye to his friend and I grabbed the opportunity to say hello. He recognised me immediately as the guy who took his picture almost a year ago. I wished him a happy new year and asked him how he was doing. It takes a little while to tune into his speech and I thought he said at first that he was recovering from a cold. I checked and what he actually said was that he was recovering from a coma. How are you supposed to respond to that?

Humour seemed appropriate and he helped me with out that. After telling me that he has undergone no less than fourteen bouts of brain surgery, he joked that at least it saves him money on haircuts. He's another one of these inspirational people who have drawn a pretty short straw in life's lottery and just get on with things as best they can, with a smile on their face and no complaint. It seems that I often meet people like David when I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. I had no more of that indulgence today.

What is most sad is that because of his lack of control over his muscles, his lopsided features (which I think are really rather beautiful), people don't know how to relate to him. I think things are improving all the time in this respect, but there are still a lot of misjudged preconceptions around. David has all his mental faculties in full working order. He's very bright. I cannot begin to imagine the frustration of being trapped in a body which has a kind of mind of its own. When we next meet I hope to hear more of his story over a coffee. He told me that he puts his survival down to simply being a stubborn bugger. Well, you carry on being stubborn my friend - and continue to inspire the people that know you. You are a star.

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