From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

To say thank you...and so beautifully

These beautiful roses were waiting for me when I got home ten days ago and show little sign of fading even now! Joff had some friends round with their families while we were out and what a wonderful thank you bouquet this is! I took a close up of the middle bloom but the whole bunch deserved to be shared. Please enjoy them with me...

Well, THE FIRST DAY happened without too much trauma! All had LOTS to say and it's difficult to wait your turn sometimes, but everyone got the opportunity to share. The hard slog was getting them to set targets for this's difficult for 6 year olds to be objective, so much suggestion was needed , some very specific! 

Tomorrow fencing becomes part of the PE curriculum. On Tuesdays after school, Taekwondo is popular! Things have changed since my day!

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