Fetch Mrs Dashwood!!!

Been a busy old day and struggled for some blip time - a few snatched blip options from my meeting in Saltaire but was disappointed with my pics:(  (They're chopping down 30 mature trees you know - for the chop!!) 
Plan B - my little book 'The Complete Novels of Jane Austen - in one sitting'.  It's 3 x 2 x 1 inches and crams the bones of all her 6 novels into one read.  It was a little Christmas gift from my sister as she knows I lurve Jane Austen and have on DVD all 6 of the Jane Austen classics, plus 2 P & Ps', the BBC one (Colin - swoon) and the Keira Knightley one, The Jane Austen Book Club (great film) and 'Becoming Jane'.  But I have never read any of her books.  My sister knows all this bless her which made her gift all the more special.
Basking in TOTPs on BBC4 right now - 1980 - happy days!!  I've got an idea for a blip tomorrow - thank you The Human League! :) 

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