Wicked Giraffes

I went to see 'Wicked' at the Playhouse Theater today.  I had wanted my husband to come with me, but by the time we found out he had today off work there was limited seats and I could only manage to get one seat.  It almost put me off going, but decided that I'd rather go on my own then miss it.  As I was sitting in the theater waiting for it to start it occurred to me that the first time I watch the Wizard of Oz (which is my all time favourite film) I watched it on my own.  I was six years old and my older sister was too scared so she went to bed within the first 15 minutes.  My mum had watched it when she was a child and she didn't want to see it agian, so she kept popping her head in to check on me and remind me that I could go to bed if I was scared.  My response was 'I love this movie, mummy.'  This memory made me feel better about being at the theater on my own.  

After the show on the way to the bus stop, I took this photo of the giraffes with the advertisement for 'Wicked' displayed on the glass windows of the Omni  Centre  in the background.  I love the reflections of light on the giraffes.

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