Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

Bit of a yucky day ...

Today was definitely a bit of a yucky day, I woke up in the night last night with a sore throat and when I woke up this morning I felt really rubbish.  The good thing about having children is that no matter how rubbish I feel I still need to get up and get dressed to take them to school (we live about a fifteen minute drive from their school and Ian leaves for work way too early in the morning to do the school run!) so by the time I have done that I may as well carry on to work for the day!

Not only did I feel rubbish today but the weather was also rubbish, windy and grey so I just managed a quick trot round a local park before I picked K up from school.  I was on the verge of giving up and thinking that all living creatures with any sense would have found themselves some shelter somewhere when I heard this chap in the hedge.  He was awfully obliging and sat still for long enough to me to grab a couple of shots of him!

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